Saturday 18 February 2023

Interstellar Travel

 Maybe a copy of other blog articles:

Actually my favourite film is 'Passengers' not just for the 2 main characters, but that it covers the fact that complex real-world systems breakdown (& quite often!) and allowances are made everyday to such (ships, planes etc.) to carry on despite not 100% functioning.

Consider On Board Spares & Repairs facilities, let alone obsolescence issues, save magical matter replicators/3Dprinters for Line Replacement units, would be required & the engineering involved to bring systems back to 100% millions of Km from base; I doubt this will happen, Ok re-visits to The Moon & maybe Mars is possible, but for a short time!

Btw that's why I personally think InterStellarTravel will never be achieved by any possible civilisations, we don't see any signs yet, but admittedly we've only covered a small spectrum in the 'Water Hole' frequencies, despite SETI (my PC's have crunched many WU's as did friends, and some used to & some still do work at the new SKA) .

So sorry to burst Sci-Fi fans bubbles, despite the huge provisioning, distances, plus time required.

Sci Fi series & films like Star Trek are responsible for many assumptions, immensely enjoyable but engineeringly nearing impossible, we even got the engineering book of the series, great fun!

Oh whilst I'm on this 'SoapBox' I think it likely, as per fellow Physics Alumni Prof Cox, we are the only local Star system species in this MW galaxy at the moment, or maybe ever as per TIMC radio series on BBC the chances of us existing as this techno species is 10^24 whereas Milky Way stars number are a mere 4x10^11; at most. Don't forget that our G2V type star is not that common, maybe ~10% in the MW.

How did consciousness arise from Matter?
Is that common in other areas of the MW or just this Rare Earth or even Universe?

We could even be the only space fairing sentient folk in this Universe at this time! What about that for Conjecture!!